Publication Details: UM-CS-2010-068

ZZ and the Art of Practical BFT Execution

Publication Type:Technical Report
Author(s):T. W. Wood, R. Singh, A. Venkataramani, P. Shenoy, E. Cecchet
Abstract:The high replication cost of Byzantine fault-tolerance (BFT) methods has been a major barrier to their widespread adoption in commercial distributed applications. We present ZZ, a new approach that reduces the replication cost of BFT services from 2f + 1 to practically f + 1. The key insight in ZZ is to use f + 1 execution replicas in the normal case and to activate additional replicas only upon failures. In data centers where multiple applications share a physical server, ZZ reduces the aggregate number of execution replicas running in the data center, improving throughput and response times. ZZ relies on virtualization—a technology already employed in modern data centers—for fast replica activation upon failures, and enables newly activated replicas to immediately begin processing requests by fetching state on-demand. A prototype implementation of ZZ using the BASE library and Xen shows that, when compared to a system with 2f + 1 replicas, our approach yields lower response times and up to 33% higher throughput in a prototype data center with four BFT web applications. We also show that ZZ can handle simultaneous failures and achieve sub-second recovery.
Submitted on:2011-01-05